Monday, April 23, 2012

196 days. 4706 hours. 282382 minutes. until ELECTION DAY.

“The Government…” I shudder at the sound of these words. My first reaction / response is always “No Comment.” so how I am going to write a 250 word minimum blog post on this, I am not quite sure. J

November 4, 2008 –

            Obama gets elected the 44th president of the United States of America.

Under Obama, nearly 5 million Americans, according to Forbes, have fled the workforce in hopeless despair. These 5 million citizens are not counted as in the workforce, but they were also not counted in the 8.3% unemployment rate. If they were counted as part of the unemployment rate, the unemployment rate would actually be 11%. In March of this year, the BLS [Bureau of Labor Statistics] found 243,000 new jobs, but, in the same week, they also reported that an additional 1.2 million workers had dropped out of the work force together. In January of 2009, 11.6 million Americans were unemployed. In January 2012, 12.8 million were unemployed. America was 12.6 million jobs short of employment at the beginning of the June 2009 recession until January 2012 when America was 15.2 million jobs short. According to Forbes, there were also 24 million Americans that had been looking for work but were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the four weeks preceding the survey. If you were to tally these individuals into the survey, it would bring the unemployment rate to 15.1% as opposed to 11%.

And the national debt? Don't even get me started.
According to CBS News, the National Debt has increased more during Obama's three years in office than it did during all 8 years of Bush's presidency combined. During Bush's 8 years, the national debt rose $4.899 trillion while, under Obama's three years, the national debt has risen $4.939 trillion. On Bush's last day in office and Obama's first day in office, the national debt was $10.626 trillion. The national debt has now reached $15.566 trillion, according to the Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), according to Heritage Foundation, contains 18 separate tax increases. By 2019, these tax increases will have cost taxpayers $503 billion since 2010. The Heritage Foundation also noted that nearly half of the new revenue raised by the PPACA is due to three major tax hikes alone.

Obama promised America change and WOW. He definitely brought it! Unfortunately, it was not the change America wanted to see.

I disagree with the changes that have been brought on and I am hoping that America will have common sense and that, seeing these statistics, they will vote for another candidate who appears to be more promising in bringing changes -- this time for the good -- to our beloved country. That is, if America cares to do research rather than just hop up from the couch after watching Family Guy and vote without prior knowledge. :)

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