Friday, May 11, 2012

re: immigrant laws

I believe the points made by the author of "Immigration Laws" are valid.  The arguing over state’s rights vs. federal rights in regard to immigration laws and the politicizing of immigration by political parties allows the most important fact to be overlooked, which is this:  United States’ citizens’ financial and physical lives are in grave danger because of the illegal immigration problem that the U.S. government does not address.
The federal law charges the federal government with the responsibility of protecting the borders of the United States from illegal immigration and to keep the U.S. citizens’ safe from her enemies.  Unfortunately, the Obama administration has refused to reach out and help Arizona with the increasing problems illegal immigration brings on not only the government and law enforcement agencies of the state, but on the people of the state, as well.  Even after Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s repeated attempts to engage the federal government, to persuade the federal government, to do the job they are legally required to do, the current administration has refused to step in to help secure the Arizona borders.  To make matters worse, as the blogger has stated, the federal government has even brought a law suit against the state of Arizona for doing the job the federal government itself is supposed to be doing.
I also agree with the blogger’s statement that allowing immigrants to stay in this country illegally benefits the political party that supports the social welfare programs that would benefit these immigrants.  Typically, immigrants come to the United States with very little, financially speaking, and without a job waiting for them once they arrive.  They are not even allowed to be employed if they are illegally in the U.S.  This is federal law.  Therefore, illegal immigrants are typically migrant workers, underpaid workers, or unemployed. Because of the inability to legally find viable jobs, these illegal immigrants are financially supported by the U.S. government and given access to the social programs offered by the government (welfare, food stamps, health care, free public education, and even, in some states, free college tuition). While it is supposed to be illegal to vote if you are not in this country legally, many illegal votes are cast.  Therefore, those illegal immigrants who are going to benefit from the social programs offered by the government typically vote for the party that supplies these benefits, not for the party that wishes to reduce and eliminate them altogether.  Historically, the Democrat party is the party of welfare, started by FDR some 60 plus years ago.  With the current president being a member of the Democratic party, it is easy to understand why he would want these illegal immigrants to stay in this country…they are a very important part of his party's numbers.
Not only do illegal immigrants impose a financial burden on the tax payers whose taxes pay for those welfare programs, some illegal immigrants also pose a security threat to individuals and to the United States itself.  One needs only look at the Arizona and Texas borders to see the tragedy left behind by the drug smuggling cartels.  Not only have hundreds of Mexican citizens been killed in their own country by these cartels, but the Mexican authorities who try to stop these cartels have been killed in large numbers, as well.  Sadly, that violence has spilled over the border and into the United States. In fact, even a US Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry, was recently killed by a Mexican cartel member. Bullets have been fired across the Texas border and become embedded in a US high school in south Texas.  Drugs are brought across the borders and sold to U.S. citizens.  If the borders were secured, much of this illegal drug trafficking would be brought to a halt and, it is likely, many of the drug cartels would be brought down and destroyed.
If 9/11 taught U.S. citizens anything, it has taught them that anyone can enter at any time and use any thing to destroy the citizens of this great country.  Every due diligence is in order here and every stop should be taken out of the way to protect this country’s citizens and dealing with illegal immigration is  huge piece of this equation. 

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